Laurens Collegium

Holiness in a modern world by Stravinsky and De Leeuw
  • Fri 31 Jan ’25
    Grote Zaal
  • €3,75 service costs excluded per order. Read about the exchange policy here.

Religion, mysticism, the divine, the superhuman: it is an enduring source of inspiration for composers. But where divine inspiration for some is prompted by a higher power, for others it is a pragmatic way to write something popular. 

Ton de Leeuw, while writing Cinq Hymnes, was possessed by the same spirit that influenced poet and musician Kabir in the 15th century. A prophet who believed in a reality other than the religiously and ethnically segregated society in which he lived. Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms was born, somewhat more pragmatically, from a request from his publisher to write something popular. Despite these different origins, both pieces call for reflection and contemplation on the meaning of holiness in the modern world. 

concert themes and series:


Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms (arr. Sjostakovitsj) | De Leeuw Cinq Hymnes 


Laurens Collegium | Wiecher Mandemaker conductor