new perspectives in the Doelen
  • Fri 25 Oct ’24
    Sun 15 Dec ’24
    from 14:00
    Studio 2 | de Doelen Art

Starting Thursday, Oct. 24, Studio 2 de Doelen Art will host an exhibition by three artists: Anuli Croon, Sandim Mendes and Christine Rusche. The exhibition is special because the artists have added new works to de Doelen's art collection. That de Doelen commissioned three women is no coincidence: until now, the art collection has primarily included works by male artists. These new works will be presented to the public on October 24.

Anuli Croon (1964) created an enormous mural in the Willem Burger Foyer. The colorful painting captures the dynamics of the city: the colors, imagery and representations are unmistakably Rotterdam, just as the Doelen is unmistakably Rotterdam.

Sandim Mendes (1986) drew inspiration for her textile print and embroidery at the Artists' Foyer from the Cape Verdean dance and song culture of the Batuku. In doing so, she hopes that visitors and musicians at de Doelen will be introduced to a culture that may still be new to them.

Christine Rusche (1971) created a monumental mural in the foyer above the entrance to the Great Hall. Her interplay of lines in black and white is based on an investigation of the architecture, space and acoustics of the Great Hall.

The exhibition opens on Oct. 24 and is part of Opening Night: the Doelen Studios. Want to be there? Read more information about the opening here.


On view until December 15th


Thursday September 20th
19:00 | Opening exhibition
19:30 | 20:00 | 20:30 | 21:00 Guided tours for the new art in de Doelen

Regular opening hours (until 15 dec)
Thursday till Saturday | 14:00-20:00
Sunday | 14:00-18:00*