truth, power, and media: a live Pointer broadcast

how journalism fights influence
  • Sat 16 Nov ’24
    14:00 - 15:00
    Studio 1 | de Doelen Studio

Investigative journalists have to deal with lobbyists who all proclaim their own truth. And scientific sources are also not always independent and free from influence. The investigative journalist sometimes has to wade through a forest of conflicts of interest to get to the facts. Does that always work? How should investigative journalists combat truth obfuscation?

This live radio broadcast from Pointer includes the VVOJ member poll on this subject. With speakers such as Rob Wijnberg (de Correspondent), Vincent Harmsen (Zembla) and Thomas de Beus (Pointer), this afternoon offers a unique look behind the scenes of investigative journalism. The public is very welcome, so come visit the Doelen Studio 1, the café at the bottom of the Doelen building.