The group exhibition IN YOUR FACE 2.0 focuses on female visual artists in Rotterdam, with the aim of drawing attention to the position and visibility of women in the art field.
Various research reports on the position of female artists in the Netherlands show that the visual presence of women in art still lags far behind that of their male colleagues. This exhibition is part of Rotterdam Art Week and offers artists who identify as women and are registered with the Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam (CBK) the opportunity to literally portray themselves. Through self-portraits, they make a collective statement about their presence and impact in the art world.
The initiator and organizer of the exhibition is about A woman, and is made possible by CBK Rotterdam and de Doelen. A catalogue of the works in the exhibition will be published.
opening hours
IN YOUR FACE 2.0 can be seen from March 27 to April 27, 2025. The exhibition will take place in Studio 2 | de Doelen Art at Schouwburgplein 57 in Rotterdam. Opening hours are:
Thursday | 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Friday | 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Saturday* | 2:00 PM - 20:00 |
Sunday* | 14:00 - 18:00 |
Please note: the Doelen Art closes at 18:00 on Saturday 5 April and is closed on Sunday 12 April.
participating artists
Inge Aanstoot, Johanna Adjoa, Fee Arnold, Vanessa Lamounier de Assis, Sanne Avenhuis, Tanneke Barendregt, Dagmar Baumann, Ellen ter Beek, Carla Belksma, Marcelle van Bemmel, Judith van den Berg, Louise Bianchi, Tessa Biemans, Moniek Bijl, Caroline Bijvoet, Arlette Boerlage, Hella de Boo, Loréne Bourguignon, Anotoinette Brandenburg, Hanneke Breuker, Yvonne Bronner, Elke van der Brugge, Evelien de Bruijn, Burning Desk, Tânia A. Cardoso, Cham Chahda, Zoë D. Cochia, Antoinet Deurloo, Lara Deutz, Lynda Deutz, Aleida van Dijk, Constance van Duinen, Lola Isolde den Dunnen, Marie Louise Elshout, Angelica Fakeling, Leonie Fernhout, Marianne Fontein, Marie Claire Gellings, Marguerite de Geus, Maaike Gottschal, Geralda de Graaf, Annelies de Greef, Natalia Grezina, Yvonne van de Griendt, Amber Grothe, Bea van Grutten, Olette Hamer, Vera Harmsen, Nanna van Heest, Anna Hesselmann, Inge Hoefnagel, Ingrid van der Hoeven, Ruth Horstmanshoff, Fenmei Hu, Maria Ikonomopoulou, Evelien de Jong, Machteld van Joolingen, Anastasia K., Ilse Kauffman, Eveline Ketterings, Els Kingma, Nia Konstantinova, Stellata Koppe, Susanne de Kraker, Ondine de Kroon, Anne-Mercedes Langhorst, Floor Leemans, Ka Yee Li, Jolanda Linssen, Maritsa van Luttikhuizen, Marlike Marks, Julia Mekes, Astrid Meijer, Giulia Mladossich, Johana Molina, Astrid Moors, Cora Moret, Melissa Moria, Lieke Muis van der Meer, Barbara Munsel, Linda Muysson, Xica Negra, Rolina Nell, Lea Nieuwhof, Lea Novi, Inez Odijk, Joke Olthaar, Natalia Olhova, Netty van Osch, Parisa Akbar zadeh Poladi, Marijke de Pous, Anna Ramsair, Margot Rijven, Astrid van Rijn, Saskia Risseeuw, Ludo Roders, Sanne Romeijn, Anne Marie Ross, Germaine Sanders, Hester Scheurwater, Neele Schlette, Janine Schrijver, Marjoke Schulten, Gohar Shachbazov, Margareth Stigter, Noortje Stortelder, Karin Stroo, Els van Teeffelen, Sophie Teunissen, Katrijn Verstegen, Dineke Versluis, Debbie Voerman, Brenda Vonk Noordegraaf, Janny Veninga (Jayven), Dina Vos, Samira Welles, Carine Weve, Efrat Zehavi, Marja Zomer.
Image in header: Efrat Zehavi (2023)