
The Doelen is located right in the heart of Rotterdam, within walking distance (400 meters) from Rotterdam Central Station, trams, metros, and bus stops. There are several parking garages around the Doelen. This makes it easy to find your way to our concert hall and conference center.

directions and entrance

entrance concert halls

De Doelen has several entrances around the building. Below you will find an overview of the addresses of the different halls.

Grote Zaal: Schouwburgplein 50, 3012 CL, Rotterdam
Jurriaanse Zaal: Kruisplein 30, 3012 CC, Rotterdam 
Willem Burger Zaal: Kruisplein 40, 3012CC, Rotterdam 
Eduard Flipse Zaal: Karel Doormanstraat 223, 3012 GH, Rotterdam 

Van Cappellen Zaal: access via Grote Zaal entrance
Feestzaal: access via Grote Zaal entrance

The Jazz Corner: Kruisplein 57, 3012CL, Rotterdam


entrance Doelen Studios

The Doelen Studios can be found at Schouwburgplein and Karel Doormanstraat. Below an overview with the addresses.

Studio 1 de Doelen Studio: Schouwburgplein 57, 3012CL, Rotterdam
Studio 2 de Doelen Art Studio: Schouwburgplein 54, 3012CL
Studio 3 de Doelen Keuken: Schouwburgplein 52, 3012CL
Studio 5 de Doelen Kids Corner: Karel Doormanstraat
Studio 8 de Doelen Stadslab: Karel Doormanstraat


public transport

De Doelen is located in the centre of Rotterdam. Train, bus, tram and metro stop a short walk away. For a detailed itinerary from your front door to the entrance of the Doelen, please visit

plan your journey



There are special P+R areas in Rotterdam. These are designed to make our city more accessible and liveable. You can park your car or motorcycle in the P+R parking lot or garage for free and then continue your journey using public transport.

P+R sites



Trevvel is a transport service in the Rotterdam region and Capelle aan den IJssel for people with disabilities or who have difficulty with walking. They ensure easy travel from your front door to the entrance of the Doelen. (Only available in Dutch language)

book a ride



by car

The Doelen is located in the heart of Rotterdam and easily accessible by car. Due to congestion in the city center and environmental concerns, we recommend using public transportation. Especially on Friday and Saturday evenings travel by car may take longer because of the downtown traffic.


parking for people with a handicap

There are parking spaces for people with disabilities on the side of Karel Doorman street. You can find more information about parking spaces around the Doelen on the website of municipality of Rotterdam city. 

parking overview


affordable parking at Q-park Weena

There are several parking garages within walking distance of the Doelen. If you park at Q-Park Weena, we even have a special offer: you'll receive between 20% and 40% discount if you reserve your parking spot in advance. This way, you're guaranteed a parking space and you'll save a few euros right away.

Q-park Weena


parking garage Schouwburgplein

Do you want to reserve a parking space in parking garage Schouwburgplein I or II? Then go to the website, here you can easily arrange a spot for your car online. 

parking Schouwburgplein


roadworks Rotterdam

There is extensive road construction taking place in many areas of Rotterdam. We advice you to check the current situation via the Rotterdam Bereikbaar website before you set out. Here you will find the latest information about closures and the current traffic situation. This way, you won't be caught off guard!

Rotterdam Bereikbaar