Music for Breakfast No. 4

Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest
  • Sun 24 Mar ’24
    Jurriaanse Zaal

Begin the day in leisurely fashion, enjoy a delicious breakfast and lovely music. An hour of pure gold for you and for each other on Sunday morning. Treat yourself to a musical breakfast put together by musicians of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra: After you have enjoyed a delicious Sunday morning breakfast, they will lull you with calming Sunday morning music, as well as wake you with espresso shots of new music. Music for Breakfast – it promises to be an hour of pure magic!


Glazunov Noveletten - II. Oriëntale | Dvořák Terzetto | Arensky Strijkkwartet nr. 2 - I. Moderato | Tsjaikovski
Strijksextet ‘Souvenir de Florence’ - I. Allegro con spirito


Melanie Broers Violin | NTB Violin | Olfje van der Klein Viola | José Nunes Viola | Yi Ting Cello | 
NTB Chello