Coşkun Karademir - Mahsa Vahdat & The Secret Ensemble

Masters of Anatolia
  • Thu 15 Feb ’24
    doors open
    Jurriaanse Zaal

The Secret Ensemble stands for unity. Led by Turkish bagla master Coşkun Karademir, this group brings together musicians who are each experts in their fields, playing Anatolian Sufi music while incorporating influences from their own regions. In 2016, the ensemble released the album Kuşların Çağrısı ("The Call of the Birds"), featuring the beautiful voice of Iranian Mahsa Vahdat as the icing on the cake. By the way, the album received a lot of attention and was selected as a "Top of the World Album" by Songlines magazine. Far from any denominational or cultural barriers, this music, in Persian and Turkish, celebrates the peace and meeting of souls that comes with the miraculous experience of existence.


Coşkun Karademir baglama , kopuz , zang  | Mahsa Vahdat  zang | Muhammed Ceylan ney | Emre Sınanmış duduk  | Murat Süngü  cello | Derya Türkan kemençe | Ömer Arslan percussie | Burak Çakır percussie