Lubomyr Melnyk

One of the Greatest Pianists of Our Time!
  • Sat 24 Feb ’24
    doors open
    Jurriaanse Zaal

Lubomyr Melnyk is considered one of the greatest pianists, if not THE greatest pianist, of our time. His extraordinary speed and ability to create effects on the piano that no one has ever been able to play before form almost electronic sounds from the piano. His extraordinary technique allows him to play supersonic speeds of over 19.5 notes per second in each hand, something many pianists can only dream of.

His deeply personal performances keep audiences around the world enthralled. His most technically advanced pieces have amazed pianists because they are virtually unplayable for even the greatest concert pianists!

A unique pioneer, Lubomyr created a completely new language for the piano called "Continuous Music." A revolutionary approach to the piano, based on new forms of dexterity to create the complex note combination and phenomenal speeds required for this new sound of the piano. In the process, you can sometimes hear a full orchestra or nature sounds. It is absolutely NOT normal piano playing!

Between 1980 and 1990, he released six albums, and his "The SONG OF GALADRIEL" was listed by the New York STEREO REVIEW MAGAZINE as "one of the 10 most important albums of our time."  Since 2002, he has released about 16 new digital albums, including "Illirion''.
His musical works include a wide variety of instrumental variations, from solo and double piano, to ensembles, opera, string quartets, modern ballet, orchestra, and everything beyond.