Asian Spoken Word Night

Host performance & open mic
  • Thu 14 Mar ’24
    18:00 - 23:00
    Studio 5 de Doelen Kids Corner

De Doelen Studio and SPACE, the youth department of Dona Daria, join forces to provide a platform for spoken word and poetry performers with (shared) Asian roots. 

SPACE's Young Asian Leaders Community consists of young people with an Asian background who form a community where there is space to discuss shared experiences. They also share these experiences with others through training, events, and knowledge transfer. The Asian Spoken Word Night is a creative expression of this.

During this second edition, the central theme is: resilience. March is the month of International Women’s Day, Day against Racism and Discrimination and Transgender Visibility Day. Days that are all of importance to many people and we invite poets of all backgrounds to share their experiences during the open mic session. 

The line-up, curated by Unwanted Words, consists of host and perfomer Jiye and perfomers Sanjaya and Nimruz. Who we will introduce leading up to the event. We are again excited and proud to collab with this amazing queer and feminist spoken word platform.

19:30 - 20:00 walk-in
20:00 - 21:00 spoken word performances
21:00 - 21:20 break
21.20 - 21:50 open mic