Arvo Pärts Johannes-Passion
Wed 16 Apr ’2520:15de DoelenGrote Zaal
Toprang normal € 57 Rang 1 normal € 45 Rang 2 normal € 41 up and till 30 years € 10 cjp € 10 Rang 3 normal € 34
In his Johannes Passion (Passio Domini nostril Jesu Christi secundum Joannem), Pärt uses minimal means to great effect, both musically and in terms of the setting. He alternates thin harmonies with choir, accompanied here and there by a few instruments. It is not easy listening, but if you surrender, you will find yourself becoming one with the austere rhythm and serene harmonies.
Arvo Pärt, now 88, has achieved almost mythical status in his life. Even if you do not know his name, you have probably heard his music. No one can make despair, silence and introspection sound like him.
Pärt Passio Domini nostril Jesu Christi secundum Joannem
Vox Clamantis