Marion Kalter - AKG Images

Boulez's monumental electro-acoustic Répons

100 years of Boulez with Bas Wiegers, Asko|Schönberg & I Solisti
  • Sun 27 Apr ’25
    de Doelen
    Grote Zaal
  • €3 or €1,5 service costs excluded per per ticket. Read more about the service charge here.

Boulez created a unique sound world with his monumental Répons. Computers allow the sound of the musicians to change and swirl around the hall. Six soloists arranged around the ensemble add to the movement of the music. A rare opportunity to hear this work live.

Asko|Schönberg and the Belgian wind ensemble I Solisti make the spatial experience of Répons and through in James Tenney's In a Large Open Space, which can be heard outside the hall. Whereas Boulez meticulously recorded everything that should happen in Répons, Tenney gives the musicians great freedom in long notes and chords. Moving around the room, the audience hears changes and shifts in the soundscape. An acoustic trip of a lifetime. 

concert themes and series:


Tenney In a large open Space | Boulez Répons 


Asko|Schönberg | I Solisti | Bas Wiegers conductor | Miriam Overlach harp | Pauline Post piano | Jan Michiels piano | Jan Rokyta cimbalom | Joey Marijs drums | Tom De Cock drums | Maarten Buyl computer sonics and live electronics | Koen Keevel (PME-Technica Group) audio-technique