Fri 20 Dec ’2420:15de DoelenGrote Zaal
Sun 22 Dec ’2414:15de DoelenGrote Zaal
Sparkling brass, roaring timpani and a jubilant chorus: Bach's Christmas Oratorio falls regally at the door. From that radiant beginning, the wonders thread themselves together: heavenly chorales, an enchanting echo duet, the trio "Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen" full of longing and comfort - and the Christmas story unfolds in all its glory. Heartwarming music in the darkest days of the year.
photo exhibition NEIGHBOURS
Have you seen the NEIGHBOURS exhibition? In the foyer of the Great Hall you can see beautiful portraits of local residents - poor, rich, hip, young and old. A nice mix of tradition and modernity. Definitely worth a visit before or after the concert!
Bach Weihnachtsoratorium:
Cantate 1
Cantate 4
Cantate 2: sinfonia
Cantate 5
Reinhard Goebel conductor | Elisabeth Breuer soprano | Anna Lucia Richter mezzo-soprano | Laurence Kilsby tenor | Felix Mischitz bass | Laurens Collegium choir