Chicks And The City
Tue 26 Nov ’24
- doors open
- 20:00
- start
- 20:30
- end
- 23:00
studiosStudio 1 | de Doelen Studio
In 2024, Chicks And The City (CATC) will celebrate its 20th anniversary! For two decades CATC has been committed to girls' empowerment and girls' participation in Rotterdam-an important milestone!
In 2004, Natasja Morales came up with the concept of Chicks And The City, girls' radio as a participation project in Rotterdam. Now, twenty years later, Chicks And The City is a broad media platform that in different ways, in different media -both online and live- creates items and content and organizes activities for and by girls (and anyone interested in this world of experience).
To celebrate this special occasion, we are hosting a festive event. During a live podcast, founder Natasja Morales and some special guests will talk about the importance of girls' participation and women's emancipation in Rotterdam. In addition, a new, important initiative of Chicks And The City will be announced.
20.00 walk-in guests
20.30 - 21.30 live podcast
21.30 - 0.00 party with DJ