Fri 10 Apr ’2620:15de DoelenJurriaanse Zaal
Rang 1 normal € 39 Rang 2 normal € 35 up and till 30 years € 10 cjp € 10 Rang 3 normal € 29
The Dutch top formation Fuse joins forces with the world-famous mandolin player Avi Avital. A virtuoso encounter that transcends genres with timeless music in a contemporary style.
Fuse, the versatile house band of Podium Klassiek, brings together with Avi Avital baroque masterpieces, immortal folk music and new notes from Bach, Bartók, Tsintzadse, Omer Avital, Bryce Dessner and Garbriella Smith in a concert full of improvisation and craftsmanship. From an intimate interplay between cello and mandolin, a swinging jazz violin trio to the ultimate fusion of drums and strings.
Fuse | Avi Avital mandolin | Bach, Bartók, Tsintzadse, Avital, Dessner and Smith among others in a concert full of improvisation