frequently asked
questions about de Doelen Studios

What are the opening hours of the Studios?

Studio 1 | de Doelen Studio De Doelen Studio is open on the following days. For the most current opening hours, please visit Google Maps.
Monday & Tuesday: 19:00 - 23:30
Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:30
Thursday: 12:00 - 00:00
Friday & Saturday: 12:00 - 00:30
Sunday: closed


Studio 2 | de Doelen Art

Thursday till Saturday: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM 
Sunday: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM 
Monday till Wednesday: closed

On Boxing Day, the Doelen Art will be closed.


Studio 3 | de Doelen Keuken

De Doelen Keuken is temporarily close due to circumstances. Behind the scenes, we are working hard to return soon. Keep an eye on our website and socials for updates. We look forward to welcoming you again in the future!

Studio 5 | de Doelen Kids Corner

The Doelen Kids Corner is only open during events. Check the agenda for specific opening hours.  

Studio 6 | de Doelen Media

De Doelen Media is not yet accessible to the public. 

Studio 7 | de Doelen Radio

The opening hours of the Doelen Radio we be announced later.

Studio 8 | de Doelen Stadslab

De Doelen Stadslab is not yet accessible to the public. 


your visit

can I take photos or record videos? 

Taking photos or video recordings in the studios is permitted with consumer cameras. It is not permitted to bring professional photo, video and audio recording equipment inside without permission. By professional photo and film equipment we mean devices with interchangeable lenses and SLR cameras. 


what if I lost something? 

If you have lost something, you can contact the lost and found department. Please send an email or description of your lost object to


where can I go with a suggestion, complaint, or compliment?

These can be addressed to
We aim to answer you within 10 days. 


can I bring my dog? 

All dogs are welcome in Studio 1 | de Doelen Studio. In the rest of the building, only guide dogs and/or assistance dogs are allowed.



how do I get to the Doelen studios?

The Doelen studios are located on the ground floor of the building, at Schouwburgplein and Karel Doormanstraat. De Doelen is situated in the heart of Rotterdam, within walking distance (400 meters) from Rotterdam Central Station. You can find all information about parking, public transport, and ongoing construction work in the city on this page:



where can the taxi drop me off/pick me up?

A taxi can drop you off/pick you up at every entrance of de Doelen building.
There is a taxi stand at Schouwburgplein, located across from Studio 1.


accesibility and facilities

where can I find information about accessibility?

We strive to make everyone feel welcome at de Doelen. That’s why we offer various facilities to ensure accessibility for all our visitors. For more information, please visit this page.

your visit


what facilities are available?

Free Wi-Fi: 
We offer free Wi-Fi in all studios, ask our employees for the password. 
There are toilets in Studio 1 | de Doelen Studio, on the ground floor, including a disabled toilet. 


what are the food and drink options?

Music is number one at in Studio 1 | de Doelen Studio, but this is also the place to be for great food or a cup of coffee or a beer. From Monday to Saturday you are welcome to come for lunch with falafel wraps, Italian sandwiches, or a nice soup of the week. On Wednesday through Saturday you can order the Studio Special in the evening for €15! This changing special is something different every time, ask the crew for the special of the day! Look here for more information about the menu this page.

Studio 3 | de Doelen Keuken is open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and is the perfect place before or after a concert or just on the off chance. Top chef Maher Al Sabbagh surprises all visitors with Syrian and Sicilian dishes. His famous buffet is known for its colorful, flavorful and traditional dishes from our world culinary heritage. You can make reservations on this page.


are the studios wheelchair accessible?

All studios are located on the ground floor and are wheelchair accessible.  


Istudent discount

is there a student discount?

Yes! Good news: students get a 15% discount on the menu at Studio 1 | de Doelen Studio. This offer applies to everything on the menu and runs until August 31, 2025. Don’t forget to bring your student ID to enjoy this deal!

contact us

do you have any other questions?

Can't find the answer to your question? Please contact us via