welcome to de Doelen Stadslab in Rotterdam

This is the place in Rotterdam where conversations about the city take place. In collaboration with schools, cultural organizations and conference organizers, we organize educational activities, talk shows and in-depth programs. Our programs in this studio connect everyday experiences with social issues through co-creation and story sharing, in order to build a positive future together. In short, the Stadslab is a lively meeting place where people share ambitions, connect knowledge and talents, and together make plans for the Rotterdam of tomorrow.


Rabobank and the Municipality of Rotterdam help make the Doelen Stadslab possible. We also work closely with educational institutions such as Zadkine, Albeda College, Hogeschool Rotterdam and Future Project. These institutions offer training in a variety of sectors, from engineering and healthcare to urban planning and the arts. Today's tens of thousands of students are the future of Rotterdam. That is why the Stadslab offers a central place where creativity and knowledge come together.