Ensemble Resonanz, Claron McFadden, and Kalle Kalima 

Remember me: a critical examination of who and what we commemorate
  • Sat 4 May ’24
    doors open
    de Doelen
    Jurriaanse Zaal

“Some ideals are worth dying for, mankind has been telling itself for thousands of years. From Jesus Christ to Tristan's Isolde, all the way to Jack Dawson, who drowns in the Arctic Ocean when the Titanic sinks. But let's be honest: Do we believe it? Are sacrificial deaths truly heroic - or rather symbols of broken dreams?”

How do we treat such tales? Is an unconditional idealist like Dido suitable as a role model for a democratic society that embraces values like tolerance – and as such is compelled to accept compromise? How do we deal with the legacy of Sam Melville, portrayed by Frederic Rzewski in “Coming Together”, who wrote beautifully poetic letters while in prison for setting off bombs that injured 19 people? 
This concert invites you to confront your own ideals. In this program, slanted dissonance interrupts baroque artistry, and the noise of modernity crashes into the flowery perfection of ideals. Kalle Kalima’s compositions are symbols of change – the balancing act between ideals and reality requires improvisation.  

With thanks to:



Kalima Louhi for guitar and string orchestra  | Purcell Dido & Aeneas (excerpt)  | Kalima ‘Remember me’ from: Dido & Aeneas   Remembered, a production by Opéra de Lyon  | Rzewski Coming Together for speakers and ensemble  


Claron McFadden soprano | Kalle Kalima electric guitar  | Ensemble Resonanz |