Marinierskapel der Koninklijke Marine en diverse trombonesolisten

Slide Factory Trombone Festival
  • Sat 15 Jun ’24
    doors open
    Grote Zaal

An extraordinary concert where a top military orchestra and unparalleled talent come together. This afternoon the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy will be led by Pierre Volders, who, in addition to being a trombonist, is also a gifted conductor. The orchestra plays spectacular works for wind orchestra and accompanies a number of trombonists: the young, promising Polina Tarasenko (Ukraine) and New Trombone Collective members Jeffrey Kant and Brandt Attema. Attema will perform a brand new work together with Marshall Gilkes, written especially for this occasion by Steven Verhelst. A world premiere! Rommert Groenhof, bass trombonist of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, started his career with the Marine Band. Now he returns to his roots and plays as a soloist with his former colleagues. Get ready for a concert featuring a blend of classical, jazz, and pop performed by a top orchestra with virtuoso trombone soloists.


Pierre Volders dirigent
| Brandt Attema trombone
| Jeffrey Kant trombone
| Marshall Gilkes trombone | 
Polina Tarasenko trombone
| Rommert Groenhof trombone