de Doelen kids XL: Reading Party with Faizi

make stories come alive!
  • Wed 30 Oct ’24
    doors open
    Studio 5 | de Doelen Kids Corner

It's autumn vacation in Rotterdam, and we're celebrating with something special in the Doelen Kids Corner! During this reading party, children will be taken on an adventurous journey full of fantasy and play.

Imagine flying through space like a superhero, searching for hidden treasures like a pirate captain, or saving an enchanted kingdom like a princess. During the reading party, children are invited to become the characters themselves and bring the story to life. It's a fun way to be part of an exciting adventure, let the imagination run wild and play together!

The reading show is presented by Faizi, an involved father of two girls, who takes play seriously. On his Instagram account @lerenspelenmetjekind, he shares how play can contribute to children's education and development, with a mission to encourage everyone to play more. The read-aloud show will be followed by a fun workshop, where the children will make something linked to the story, and of course they will proudly take home their creation!

Participation is completely free, but don't forget to register via the green 'Tickets' button. Also check out the calendar for the full fall holiday program!