week of leaving a legacy to culture!

This week, 4 through 10 November 2024, is all about leaving a legacy to culture. Many people now know that they can leave a legacy to charities, but the option of including cultural institutions such as de Doelen in their will is often overlooked. And yet it is such a special way to have a lasting impact on the place and art form that is so dear to you!

Like other forms of donations, legacies are essential for cultural organisations such as de Doelen. It ensures that de Doelen will continue to be a place where music can live and concerts, talent development, education and connection can take place in the future. Very important! That is why we, together with other cultural institutions, are asking for attention for this special form of social involvement.

Leaving a legacy to de Doelen can take various forms: from a fixed amount to a percentage of your assets or even a specific object. You can choose to direct your legacy to a cause that is close to your heart, or to give us the space to use it where it is most needed. Whether it is a modest legacy or a larger gift, every contribution has a direct and lasting impact. Moreover, thanks to our ANBI status, your gift will benefit the Doelen in full, without tax deduction.

This national week is not only about drawing attention to bequests to culture, but especially about consciously thinking about your legacy. It gives you the opportunity to decide for yourself what happens to what you have built up. If you do not record anything, your assets will be distributed according to the law, which does not always match your wishes. By considering this, you keep control: you can decide for yourself which goals and people you want to support. In this way, your values ​​will continue to live on.

People have different reasons for choosing to leave a legacy to the Doelen. We often hear statements like: ‘I think it is important that a professional concert hall like the Doelen in Rotterdam continues to exist,’ or ‘I would like to pass something beautiful on to the next generation.’ Personal motivations like these are the reason for many to include the Doelen Support Fund, the fundraising institution of the Doelen, in their will, so that they can contribute to the preservation of culture and music for future generations.

Curious about how your legacy can make a difference? Request our information brochure about leaving a legacy to the Doelen via the button below, without any obligation.

request brochure

get in touch

We know from experience that everyone deals with the subject of leaving a legacy in their own way. That is why we offer you the opportunity to discuss leaving a legacy to the Doelen with us, if desired. We would like to invite you to discuss your plans with us in confidence, so that we can be sure that your wishes are understood and fulfilled.

Would you like to get in touch about this subject? Please contact Ciska van Beek via c.vanbeek@dedoelen.nl or call 06 – 45 54 69 66.

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